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Pre-Auditions 16, Melody Jordan, Ashley, Brynn Jay, Katt Dylan, Nova Brooks, Zarena, Jonni Hennessy
Avg Rating: 4.5

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Wow! Yet another smorgasbord of girls and cocks. A great choice of young ladies and styles, letting us hope that there's more than one cutie to fuck, and more than one way to do so. Kudos to the opening of this session: the low-light intimate tight close ups of Melody Jordan and Ashley gives their performance a clandestine, voyeuristic eroticism. It's like some well kept secret porn, hush hush blowjob in some tight closet we're invited into. And the way the girls share and switch cock and balls is like a perfect stranger sitting next to you at the theater and putting her hand on your zipper with her eyes riveted on the big screen. Rarely POV as been so intimate and personal. And the (spoiler alert) cum sharing BFF kiss is a delicious shocker. Next, Brynn does her best to match this dynamic duo, but she's alone! Her commendable efforts do not go unnoticed, but it is hard to top such a beginning! Katt Dylan manages to do so, because of her mesmerizing, mysterious and desirable face, body, skin tone and complexion: the dream girl form some far away land one always dreamt to fuck. She's so subservient, joyous and happy to have a cock in her mouth it rubs (no pun intended) on the audience and soon, her hand held face-fuck and her tit fuck wins us all over. Bring her back please pease please pretty pleaaaase! As if this wasn't enough, the two dicks two chicks extravaganza kicks in, with Nova Brooks and Zarena competing on a cum fest. Great job, specially the second spurt, all over one girl's face as the other licks it off: cum worshipping at its best. Another hard act to follow alone, as Jonni Hennessy closes the session with true dedication. But by then it's already been too much! Thank you! Too bad one does not have a photo album to compare all these cuties' cunts!
Love the double down