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Krystal Banks Brunette Babe Sucks and Fucks!
Avg Rating: 4.3

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Made up and dressed like a princess and cock worshiping like a whore. Krystal Banks is a perfect recruit for Amateur Allure. Amazing gaze while getting her seminal reward, 3 times on screen, and probably a million more in a lot of homes. This girl deserves the sperm bath she got! I like the slow on the second spurt. Perfect! Bring her back!
I just love the way Krystal Banks' cunt naturally blooms and opens, labiae pouting like a silent prayer; a flower awaiting to be rammed, a chalice to hold hot spurts long yearned-for (3:54 mark).
Great Fuck!
Cum stains
I want to see that sexy dress of hers get covered in a few errant ropes of cum
Cum stains
Really love all the fabulous satin BEBE dresses the models wore in the 2010 and 2011 Amateur Allure videos. Hope you guys can bring that back again. Except please have the BJs be more brutal and messy. Really dig the CFNM. There's a strong niche for fully clothed sex that horny dudes out there crave to see. Let's see some sexy dresses get ruined